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Press Releases

SDEV visits Central and Western District (with photos)

The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, today (August 29) visited Central and Western District to inspect the progress of works for the revitalisation of the Central Police Station (CPS) Compound and meet with members of Central and Western District Council (C&WDC).
Accompanied by the Chairman of C&WDC, Mr Yip Wing-shing, and the District Officer (Central and Western), Mrs Susanne Wong, Mr Wong visited the CPS Compound to learn more about the revitalisation project and its development.
He was briefed by representatives of the Hong Kong Jockey Club and Tai Kwun on the condition of the Married Inspectors' Quarters after its partial collapse last year, and the proposed recovery plan, as well as the progress of works of other historic buildings which have all been gradually resumed.
He also visited the two new buildings of the revitalisation project, which will be used as art galleries and a multi-purpose auditorium. Work on the two buildings is close to completion.
The revitalisation of the CPS Compound is one of the eight innovative projects of the "Conserving Central" initiative of the Development Bureau. The Compound includes three groups and a total of 16 historic buildings comprising the CPS, the Central Magistracy and Victoria Prison. In partnership with the Hong Kong Jockey Club, the Government aims to conserve and revitalise the Compound into a space for cultural activities, integrating heritage, contemporary art and leisure facilities for the public to enjoy.
Mr Wong also met with C&WDC members today to listen to their views and suggestions on the work of the Government, and they exchanged views on residents' issues of concern.

Ends/Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Issued at HKT 16:12


