Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme commends exemplary construction safety performance (with photos)
Construction contractors, supervising teams, site supervisors and workers with outstanding safety performance were commended at the 23rd Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme Award Presentation Ceremony today (September 26), the finale of Construction Safety Week 2017.
Officiating at the ceremony, the Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, said that the Scheme has, over the years, encouraged contractors to enhance site safety and to care for construction workers. The theme of this year's Construction Safety Week is "Workers' Behaviour", which aims to encourage industry stakeholders to ensure site safety and to minimise the occurrence of accidents by making efforts to manage the behaviour and attitude of construction workers on-site.
Also officiating at the ceremony, the Chairman of the Construction Industry Council, Mr Chan Ka-kui, said that the construction industry of Hong Kong has in recent years made improvements in various aspects such as work safety, environmental protection, workers' welfare and reducing the impact of construction in neighbourhoods, which could attract more new entrants to join the industry. The industry has also taken forward various volunteering programmes to provide assistance to the disadvantaged in order to cultivate a healthy and caring image for the industry.
Forty-nine sites received awards under the Scheme this year, of which 29 came from the public works stream and 20 from the non-public works stream. There were several award categories, including the Considerate Contractors Site Award (New Works), the Considerate Contractors Site Award (Repair, Maintenance, Alteration and Addition Works), the Outstanding Environmental Management and Performance Award, the Model Sub-contractor Award, the Model Frontline Supervisor Award, the Best Model Frontline Supervisor Award, the Model Worker Award and the Best Model Worker Award.
Jointly held by the Development Bureau and the Construction Industry Council, the Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme aims to raise awareness of safety on construction sites and promote good practices in site safety, health and environmental aspects by commending outstanding role models.
The list of awardees of the Scheme this year is available at the Construction Safety Week website (
Ends/Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Issued at HKT 19:01