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Press Releases

Building Management Week 2017 promotes quality building management (with photos)

Building Management Week 2017, which has been organised by the Water Supplies Department, the Buildings Department, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, the Fire Services Department, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and the Home Affairs Department will be held from today (September 21) to September 24 to promote a culture of quality building management in Hong Kong.

Featuring a variety of activities, Management Week aims to enhance the recognition of proper building management by property management agencies, residents' organisations, property owners and the public in order to encourage them to fulfill their responsibilities and enhance their participation in building management. The event could also foster exchanges among relevant parties to promote excellency in building management in Hong Kong.

Addressing the opening ceremony of Management Week, the Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, said that quality building management can improve people's quality of life. Over the years, the Government has been assisting property owners to resolve problems relating to the management and maintenance of buildings through various channels as well as the active participation of different government departments. He said that the Government will continue to co-operate with different organisations and groups to promote the importance of proper management and maintenance of buildings and to provide the necessary assistance.

The Director of Water Supplies, Mr Enoch Lam, said in his speech that through a competition, workshops, a symposium and a carnival, Management Week will provide members of the public and the industry with comprehensive and practical information on building management such as the management of inside services, the Minor Works Control System, the management of lifts and escalators and the Building Fire Safety Envoy Scheme. He expressed the hope that members of the public could implement effective building management by gaining this knowledge.

Details of Building Management Week 2017 are available on its website (
Ends/Thursday, September 21, 2017
Issued at HKT 17:35


