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Press Releases

First meeting of Drinking Water Safety Advisory Committee (with photos)

The Government has set up the Drinking Water Safety Advisory Committee, as outlined in the Action Plan for Enhancing Drinking Water Safety in Hong Kong (Action Plan) promulgated in September last year, to further safeguard drinking water quality in the territory through a multi-pronged approach.
The Committee comprises stakeholders from relevant sectors, including academics and medical experts, and will give advice to the Development Bureau on the following water safety issues:
1. To develop a regulatory regime for drinking water safety in Hong Kong;
2. Review of drinking water standards in Hong Kong;
3. Review of existing policies and operational strategies/measures relating to drinking water quality and safety as well as formulating associated new policies and operational strategies/measures; and
4. Worldwide concern on water quality and safety as well as future directions for any research in light of international practices, trends and developments.
At the first meeting of the Committee today (February 2), members were briefed on details of the Drinking Water Quality Management System of the Water Supplies Department and the Action Plan. The Committee also discussed its upcoming work plan.
Speaking at the meeting today, the Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, said that the Government must harness the collective wisdom and insights of all sectors to ensure effective implementation of the Action Plan. He said he hopes that the Committee will assist the Government in formulating comprehensive and practicable policies and measures to further safeguard the quality of drinking water in Hong Kong.
The membership of the Committee is as follows:

Mr Edmund Leung Kwong-ho
Vice Chairman
Dr Chan Hon-fai

Non-official members
Dr David Anthony Cunliffe
Professor Ho Kin-chung
Mr Vincent Ho Kui-yip
Professor Susanna Lau Kar-pui
Professor Irene Lo Man-chi
Dr Anthony Ma Yiu-wa
Dr Vivian Wong Taam Chi-woon
Professor Shelly Tse Lap-ah
Dr Raymond Wong Siu-ming
Mr Peter Wong Yiu-sun

Ex-officio members
Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) or representative
Director of Water Supplies or representative
Director of Health or representative
Ends/Friday, February 2, 2018
Issued at HKT 18:50


The Drinking Water Safety Advisory Committee held its first meeting today (February 2). The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong (centre), attended part of the meeting. Also present were the Chairman and Vice-chairman of the Committee, Mr Edmund Leung (right) and Dr Chan Hon-fai (left). The Drinking Water Safety Advisory Committee held its first meeting today (February 2). The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong (centre), attended part of the meeting. Also present were the Chairman and Vice-chairman of the Committee, Mr Edmund Leung (right) and Dr Chan Hon-fai (left).
