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Press Releases

SDEV visits Southern District (with photos)

The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong, visited Southern District today (May 15) to exchange views on district matters with local District Council members and visit the facilities of the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Jockey Club Media 21 (M21). The Under Secretary for Development, Mr Liu Chun-san, also joined the visit.
Accompanied by the Chairman of the Southern District Council, Mr Chu Ching-hong, and the District Officer (Southern), Mrs Dorothy Ma, Mr Wong began his visit by meeting members of the Southern District Council to learn about the latest developments and needs of the district, and listen to members' views on the work of the Government.
Mr Wong then visited M21, a multimedia production platform for youths established by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, to learn about its facilities and development direction. Equipped with a wide range of media facilities such as online television and radio studios that are available for rent, M21 also organises various multimedia production courses to nurture talents in the field. Mr Wong chatted with M21's members to understand their studies and aspirations, and encouraged them to put their learning to good use and unleash their potential.
Ends/Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Issued at HKT 18:35


The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong (second left), visited Southern District today (May 15) and met with members of the Southern District Council. Next to Mr Chan are the Under Secretary for Development, Mr Liu Chun-san (first left), and the Chairman of the Southern District Council, Mr Chu Ching-hong (third left). The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong (right), today (May 15) visited the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Jockey Club Media 21 (M21) in Southern District. Photo shows the Director of M21, Mr James Mok (left), briefing Mr Wong on M21's development direction and production team. The Secretary for Development, Mr Michael Wong (second right), today (May 15) visited the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Jockey Club Media 21 (M21) in Southern District. Photo shows Mr Wong chatting with members of M21 to learn about their interests in multimedia production and aspirations for the future.
