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Press Releases

Date Subject
19/11/2008 Secretary for Development's speech at the opening ceremony of MIPIM Asia 2008 (English only)
19/11/2008 Secretary for Development speaks about Hopewell Centre II
19/11/2008 Secretary for Development speaks about measures to reduce development density and Central-Wan Chai Bypass
17/11/2008 Secretary for Development speaks on building maintenance and minor works (Chinese only)
15/11/2008 Secretary for Development speaks on promotion of infrastructure development (Chinese only)
13/11/2008 Five Hong Kong/ Shenzhen co-operation pacts signed (with photos)
12/11/2008 Government determined to enhance lift safety
12/11/2008 LCQ9: Cycle track facilities
05/11/2008 LCQ19: Projects to improve pedestrian environment and beautify the harbourfront
05/11/2008 LCQ6: Use of land for open storage and port back-up
04/11/2008 Construction industry on Mainland and in Hong Kong enhance co-operation (with photos)
31/10/2008 Secretary for Development to attend World Urban Forum in Nanjing
30/10/2008 LC : Secretary for Development speaks on infrastructure and planning (Chinese only)
30/10/2008 LC : Remarks by Secretary for Development on urban removal and heritage conservation (Chinese only)
29/10/2008 LCQ18: Rooftop greening
29/10/2008 LCQ9: Implementation of infrastructure projects
28/10/2008 Secretary for Development speaks on Sichuan reconstruction at Legislative Council Development Panel meeting (Chinese only)
27/10/2008 Land Registry celebrates its 15th anniversary (with photo)
22/10/2008 LCQ12: Government's tree care work
22/10/2008 LCQ9: Handling of Water Seepage Complaints

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