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Press Releases

Date Subject
12/03/2008 Transcript of Secretary of Development after attending the meeting of Hong Kong Shenzhen Joint Task Force on Boundary District Development (Chinese only)
10/03/2008 Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Task Force on Boundary District Development meets (with photos)
08/03/2008 Speech by Secretary for Development at the prize presentation ceremony of the faculty of Engineering of the Chinese University (Chinese only)
05/03/2008 LCQ3: Public open space
03/03/2008 Building safety and maintenance enhanced through a new grant scheme for elderly owners (with photos)
03/03/2008 Secretary for Development visits Tsuen Wan (with photos)
03/03/2008 Secretary for Development's remarks on Building Maintenance Grant Scheme for Elderly Owners (English translation)
03/03/2008 Secretary for Development's speaks on Building Maintenance Grant Scheme for Elderly Owners
29/02/2008 Government announces 2008-09 Application List
29/02/2008 Secretary for Development's opening remarks at press conference on the Application List (English translation)
27/02/2008 LCQ2: Open Nullahs
20/02/2008 LC : Secretary for Development’s concluding remarks at motion debate on transformation of old industrial area (Chinese only)
20/02/2008 LC : Speech of Secretary for Development at motion debate on transformation of old industrial areas (Chinese only)
20/02/2008 LCQ17: Electronic water bills
25/01/2008 Government to declare King Yin Lei and Maryknoll Convent School monuments
25/01/2008 Statement by Secretary for Development after the meeting of the Antiquities Advisory Board
18/01/2008 Secretary for Development visits Wan Chai District (with photos)
16/01/2008 LCQ10: Unauthorised building works
16/01/2008 LCQ14: Removal of unauthorised building works
15/01/2008 Government launches campaign to promote heritage conservation

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