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Press Releases

Date Subject
11/11/2009 LCQ5: Gross floor area concessions
09/11/2009 Land and Development Advisory Committee welcomes initiatives to revitalise industrial buildings
09/11/2009 Secretary for Development's remarks at LegCo Harbourfront Planning Subcommittee meeting (Chinese only)
06/11/2009 Residence of Ip Ting-sz and Yan Tun Kong Study Hall declared monuments (With photos)
04/11/2009 Secretary for Development's closing remarks on motion of increasing the supply of medium and small-sized residential flats (Chinese only)
04/11/2009 Secretary for Development's opening speech on motion of increasing the supply of medium and small-sized residential flats (Chinese only)
04/11/2009 LCQ14: Handling of planning applications for developments which may create wall effect
04/11/2009 LCQ11: Compensation and rehousing for tenants affected by Urban Renewal Authority projects
04/11/2009 LCQ6: Floor numbering of buildings
03/11/2009 Development Bureau's response to Society for Protection of the Harbour's press release
30/10/2009 Government thanks Council for Sustainable Development
29/10/2009 Secretary for the Environment's speech on Motion of Thanks in respect of Chief Executive's Policy Address (Chinese only)
28/10/2009 Secretary for Development's speech at HKCA conference (English only)
28/10/2009 LCQ10: Hong Kong 2030 Study: Planning Vision and Strategy
28/10/2009 LCQ8: Planting trees
27/10/2009 Secretary for Development's remarks at LegCo Development Panel meeting on "optimising the use of industrial buildings to meet Hong Kong's changing economic and social needs" (Chinese only)
27/10/2009 Secretary for Development speaks on 'Conserving Central' (Chinese only)
25/10/2009 Government's response to concern over property prices
22/10/2009 DEVB's statement on an industrial building project in Tai Kok Tsui
21/10/2009 Secretary for Development's opening speech at LegCo Development Panel meeting (Chinese only)

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