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Press Releases

Date Subject
07/11/2012 LCQ10: Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme
07/11/2012 LCQ15: Tree management
07/11/2012 LCQ17: Sub-division of flat units
07/11/2012 LCQ19: Reclamation plan in Sham Tseng/Tsuen Wan
07/11/2012 LCQ5: Sanitary fitments in public places
07/11/2012 LCQ7: Unauthorised building works in New Territories village houses
07/11/2012 Secretary for Development's opening remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Perfecting housing policy and resolving public housing need" (Chinese only)
06/11/2012 Transcript of SDEV's media session (Chinese only)
31/10/2012 LCQ8: North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study
30/10/2012 Remarks by SDEV at LegCo Panel on Development (Chinese only)
27/10/2012 WSD calls for creative cap designs to promote water saving (with photos)
27/10/2012 Speech by SDEV at launch ceremony of the “Let’s Save Water” Cap Design Competition cum World Water Monitoring Challenge 2012 (Chinese only)
27/10/2012 Transcript of SDEV's media session on measures to address the overheated property market
26/10/2012 Opening remarks by FS at press conference (with photo/video)
26/10/2012 Opening remarks by SDEV at URA's media briefing on the commencement of the first industrial building redevelopment project (Chinese Only)
26/10/2012 Transcript of remarks at press conference on demand-management measures of residential properties (with photo/video)
25/10/2012 "Playful Thursday @ Tsun Yip Street - Veggie | Arts Jamboree" launched (with photos)
24/10/2012 LCQ11: Subdivided flats, bedspace apartments and cubicle apartments
24/10/2012 LCQ2: North East New Territories New Development Areas
24/10/2012 Secretary for Development's closing remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study" (Chinese only)

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