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Press Releases

Date Subject
29/09/2016 Speech by SDEV at ARCASIA Awards for Architecture 2016 Awards Presentation Dinner (English only)
28/09/2016 SDEV speaks to media on quarterly land sale programme for October to December 2016
28/09/2016 Opening remarks of SDEV on land sale programme from October to December 2016 (Chinese only)
28/09/2016 Government announces quarterly land sale programme for October to December 2016
21/09/2016 Transcript of remarks at press conference on Wang Chau development
21/09/2016 Acting SDEV’s opening remarks at Wang Chau development press conference (Chinese only)
06/08/2016 SDEV speaks to the media
04/08/2016 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only)
01/08/2016 SDEV inspects DSD measures in response to typhoon threat (with photos)
30/07/2016 SDEV speaks to the media on safety in industrial buildings
28/07/2016 SDEV speaks to the media
26/07/2016 SDEV visits heritage conservation projects in Macau (with photos)
25/07/2016 SDEV to visit heritage conservation projects in Macau
16/07/2016 SDEV speaks to the media on safety in industrial buildings (Chinese only)
16/07/2016 SDEV speaks at Young Lu Pan Award 2016 prize presentation ceremony organised by Kwong Yuet Tong HK (Chinese only)(with photo)
15/07/2016 SDEV and S for S speak to the media on safety in industrial buildings
15/07/2016 Opening remarks of SDEV and S for S on safety in industrial buildings (Chinese only)
15/07/2016 Government announces risk-based enforcement arrangements against lease breaches in industrial buildings
14/07/2016 Government appoints Executive Director of Urban Renewal Authority
14/07/2016 Speech by SDEV at CIOB Members’ Forum Conference "Constructing the Future - A Global Perspective" (English only)

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