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Press Releases

Date Subject
01/03/2016 SDEV begins visit to Beijing (with photos)
28/02/2016 SDEV to visit Beijing
27/02/2016 SDEV speaks to media (Chinese only)
25/02/2016 Opening remarks by SDEV at press conference on 2016-17 Land Sale Programme (Chinese only)
25/02/2016 Government announces 2016-17 Land Sale Programme
24/02/2016 LCQ13: Planning of social welfare facilities, open space and recreation facilities
21/02/2016 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only)
21/02/2016 SDEV to visit Guangzhou
18/02/2016 SDEV's speech on Motion of Thanks in respect of CE's Policy Address (Debate Session 2) (Chinese Only)
17/02/2016 LCQ1: Arrangement for compulsory sale of land for redevelopment
17/02/2016 LCQ 2: Reimbursement of contractors' MPF contributions for site personnel by Government
17/02/2016 LCQ4: Operation of facilities at sites under Kwun Tong Bypass
15/02/2016 SDEV speaks to the media
15/02/2016 Opening remarks by SDEV at media session during media tour to Lantau (Chinese only)
12/02/2016 Government to sell site in Sha Tin by public tender
12/02/2016 Tender awarded for site in Tai Po
06/02/2016 SDEV speaks to the media
04/02/2016 SDEV visits elderly residents in Sham Shui Po (with photos)
03/02/2016 LCQ5: Development of brownfield sites
03/02/2016 LCQ15: Industrial accidents of workers falling from heights

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