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Press Releases

Date Subject
14/06/2017 LCQ10: Strengthening monitoring of performance of contractors for public works
14/06/2017 SDEV and US for IT to visit Qianhai
09/06/2017 Opening remarks by SDEV at opening ceremony of Climate Change and My Smart City Experience Centre of CIC Zero Carbon Building (Chinese only) (with photo)
08/06/2017 LC: SDEV's closing remarks on motion on "Combating bid-rigging to defend the rights and interests of property owners" (Chinese only)
08/06/2017 LC: SDEV's opening remarks on motion on "Combating bid-rigging to defend the rights and interests of property owners" (Chinese only)
07/06/2017 LCQ6: Statistical information on government properties and sites
07/06/2017 LCQ17: Projects implemented by Energizing Kowloon East Office to improve pedestrian and traffic networks
07/06/2017 LCQ20: Major infrastructure projects experiencing cost overruns and delays
07/06/2017 LCQ8: Management of water resources
07/06/2017 SDEV's closing remarks at World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong (English only) (with photos)
03/06/2017 Sustainable Lantau Blueprint unveiled (with photo/video)
03/06/2017 SDEV's speaking points at Sustainable Lantau Blueprint Press Conference (with photo/video)
01/06/2017 LC: SDEV's closing remarks on motion on promoting “Hong Kong people using Hong Kong water” and protecting local resources (Chinese only)
31/05/2017 SDEV speaks to the media
31/05/2017 LCQ20: Promoting a water-friendly culture
31/05/2017 LCQ4: Conservation and revitalisation of the Central Market Building
31/05/2017 LCQ16: Study on the development potential of sites on periphery of country parks
31/05/2017 LC: SDEV's opening remarks on motion on promoting "Hong Kong people using Hong Kong water" and protecting local resources (Chinese only)
26/05/2017 Government's response to media enquiries on temporary suspension of tendering by engineering consultant
25/05/2017 Speech by SDEV at launch ceremony of "Create Your District" Competition 2017 (Chinese only) (with photos)

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