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Press Releases

Date Subject
04/07/2018 LCQ10: Use of the space on the rooftops of service reservoirs
03/07/2018 SDEV speaks to media on quarterly land sale programme for July to September 2018
03/07/2018 Government announces quarterly land sale programme for July to September 2018
03/07/2018 Opening remarks by SDEV on land sale programme for July to September 2018
27/06/2018 LCQ5: Use of Lands Resumption Ordinance by Government
27/06/2018 LCQ17: Implementation of Land Titles Ordinance and land title registration system
27/06/2018 LCQ10: Fresh water supply in Hong Kong in times of droughts in Guangdong Province
27/06/2018 LCQ11: Engagement of land surveyors in public works projects
27/06/2018 LCQ12: Safety of lifts
27/06/2018 LCQ13: Management of water resources
27/06/2018 LCQ21: Expenditure on consultancy fees for public works projects
27/06/2018 LCQ9: Tree management
27/06/2018 Secretary for Development's opening remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Proposed resolution under the Construction Industry Council Ordinance" (Chinese only)
26/06/2018 SDEV speaks to the media
21/06/2018 SDEV's closing remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Developing venues and creating room to support the development of local culture, arts, recreation and sports" (Chinese only)
21/06/2018 SDEV's opening remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Developing venues and creating room to support the development of local culture, arts, recreation and sports" (Chinese only)
20/06/2018 LCQ15: Improving average living floor area per person
20/06/2018 LCQ10: Water works carried out in villages
20/06/2018 LCQ11: Arrangement for emergency temporary fresh water supply
20/06/2018 LCQ13: Supply of tap water to remote villages

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