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Press Releases

Date Subject
24/01/2018 LCQ10: Statistics on and rezoning of Green Belt sites
24/01/2018 LCQ9: Assistance and compensation for farmers affected by development plans
17/01/2018 LCQ9: Statistical information on government sites
17/01/2018 LCQ18: Incidents of fresh water contamination caused by water works
17/01/2018 LCQ7: Replacement of senescent Acacia confusa
17/01/2018 LCQ8: Tree management
10/01/2018 LCQ9: Safety of glass protective barriers, glass panel external walls and glass curtain walls of buildings
10/01/2018 LCQ1: Compensation and rehousing arrangements for villagers affected by development projects
10/01/2018 LCQ21: Urban renewal
10/01/2018 SDEV speaks to the media

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