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Press Releases

Date Subject
03/04/2019 LCQ17: Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter
03/04/2019 LCQ18: Staffing issues relating to tree management and landscape work
27/03/2019 LCQ22: Car parks owned or sold by Link Real Estate Investment Trust
27/03/2019 LCQ15: Development plans for three squatter areas in Kowloon East
27/03/2019 LCQ10: Future plan for the General Post Office Building in Central
27/03/2019 LCQ9: Construction records of public works projects
23/03/2019 SDEV speaks to the media
20/03/2019 SDEV speaks to the media
20/03/2019 LCQ3: Environmentally Friendly Linkage System for Kowloon East
20/03/2019 LCQ16: Vetting and approval of applications for construction or redevelopment of small houses
20/03/2019 LCQ17: Management of water resources
19/03/2019 Opening remarks by SDEV at press conference on Lantau Tomorrow Vision (Chinese only) (with photo/video)
14/03/2019 CE inspects Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point project (with photos)
05/03/2019 SDEV visits Kowloon City District (with photos)
03/03/2019 SDEV speaks to the media
01/03/2019 Appointments to Community Involvement Committee on Greening
28/02/2019 Opening remarks by SDEV at press conference on 2019-20 Land Sale Programme (Chinese only)
28/02/2019 Government announces 2019-20 Land Sale Programme (with video)
27/02/2019 LCQ18: Supply of commercial and office space
27/02/2019 LCQ13: Implementation of Mandatory Window Inspection Scheme

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