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Press Releases

Date Subject
13/05/2021 SDEV's opening remarks at LegCo's motion on "Proposed resolution under the Buildings Ordinance" (Chinese only)
12/05/2021 LCQ17: Development projects in progress
05/05/2021 LCQ4: Land demand for brownfield logistics operations
05/05/2021 SDEV's closing remarks at LegCo's motion on "Developing Hong Kong into a regional professional services hub" (Chinese only)
05/05/2021 SDEV's speech on resumption of the Second Reading debate on Waterworks (Waterworks Regulations) (Amendment) Bill 2021 (Chinese only)
28/04/2021 LCQ21: Extension of land leases
28/04/2021 LCQ20: Traffic congestion problems in Kwun Tong
28/04/2021 SDEV's speech on resumption of the Second Reading debate on Appropriation Bill 2021 (Chinese only)
21/04/2021 LCQ4: Planning and development of New Development Areas
21/04/2021 LCQ22: Developing public housing on brownfield sites
21/04/2021 LCQ7: Small House Policy
21/04/2021 LCQ21: Housing supply
15/04/2021 Opening remarks by SDEV on planning and lands policy areas at LegCo Finance Committee special meeting
15/04/2021 Opening remarks by SDEV on works policy areas at LegCo Finance Committee special meeting
07/04/2021 SDEV and STH brief the trade on improvements to electoral system of Hong Kong (with photos/videos)
25/03/2021 SDEV's closing remarks at LegCo's motion on "Formulating a comprehensive rural development policy" (Chinese only)
25/03/2021 SDEV's opening remarks at LegCo's motion on "Formulating a comprehensive rural development policy" (Chinese only)
24/03/2021 SDEV's closing remarks at LegCo's motion on taking forward the follow-up tasks of implementing co-location arrangement at the Huanggang Port (Chinese only)
24/03/2021 SDEV's opening remarks at LegCo's motion on taking forward the follow-up tasks of implementing co-location arrangement at the Huanggang Port (Chinese only)
24/03/2021 LCQ15: Private land suitable for public housing development

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