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Press Releases

Date Subject
24/03/2021 LCQ8: Wetland Buffer Area
18/03/2021 SDEV's closing remarks at LegCo's motion on "Examining the amendment of the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance and implementing the Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter reclamation works" (Chinese only)
18/03/2021 SDEV's opening remarks at LegCo's motion on "Examining the amendment of the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance and implementing the Kwun Tong Typhoon Shelter reclamation works" (Chinese only)
17/03/2021 LCQ4: Development of the lands surrounding various boundary crossings
26/02/2021 Transcript of remarks by SDEV
25/02/2021 Opening remarks by SDEV at press conference on 2021-22 Land Sale Programme
25/02/2021 Government announces 2021-22 Land Sale Programme (with video)
24/02/2021 LCQ11: Processing of applications for building small houses
24/02/2021 LCQ5: Public works projects
03/02/2021 LCQ20: Development of the lands currently or formerly in the Frontier Closed Area
03/02/2021 LCQ3: Land use planning
03/02/2021 LCQ15: Arrangements for water charges
28/01/2021 SDEV visits construction site to learn about Construction Industry COVID-19 Testing Service Scheme
27/01/2021 LCQ13: Reprovisioning of brownfield operations and development of the logistics industry
27/01/2021 LCQ14: Facilitating the architectural and engineering sectors to start business and practise in the Greater Bay Area
22/01/2021 SDEV's speech on Motion of Thanks in respect of CE's 2020 Policy Address (Chinese only)
20/01/2021 CE officiates at completion and handover ceremony of Hong Kong temporary hospital construction project supported by Central Government
20/01/2021 LCQ16: Conservation of waterworks installations of historic value
20/01/2021 LCQ8: Heritage conservation work
13/01/2021 LCQ11: Impacts of Government's special work arrangement on construction industry

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