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Press Releases

Date Subject
18/10/2023 LCQ15: Enhancing flood prevention ability
04/10/2023 Government announces quarterly land sale programme for October to December 2023
04/10/2023 Transcript of remarks by SDEV on quarterly land sale programme for October to December 2023 (Chinese only) (with video)
04/10/2023 Opening remarks by SDEV on quarterly land sale programme for October to December 2023 (with video)
01/10/2023 Transcript of remarks by SDEV at media session (Chinese only)
16/09/2023 Transcript of remarks by SDEV at media session
14/09/2023 Eng: Opening remarks by FS, DFS, SCST, SDEV and S for Housing at media session after "Night Vibes Hong Kong" Campaign Launch Ceremony (Chinese only) (with photo/video)
14/09/2023 Transcript of remarks by FS, DFS, SCST, SDEV and S for Housing at media session after "Night Vibes Hong Kong" Campaign Launch Ceremony (with photo/video)
13/09/2023 Speech by SDEV at eighth Belt and Road Summit thematic breakout session (Chinese only)
11/09/2023 Transcript of remarks of joint press conference on residual relief work related to extensive flooding caused by torrential rain brought by low pressure associated with remnants of Haikui
11/09/2023 Appointment of Harbourfront Commission members
10/09/2023 SDEV’s opening remarks of joint press conference on residual relief work related to extensive flooding caused by torrential rain brought by low pressure associated with remnants of Haikui (Chinese only)
09/09/2023 All-out efforts for relief work after extreme conditions and launch of special inspections
28/08/2023 Construction Safety Week 2023 promotes site safety (with photos)
28/08/2023 Speech of Secretary for Development at Construction Safety Week 2023 kick-off ceremony (Chinese only)
28/08/2023 2023/24 leadership programme of Centre of Excellence for Major Project Leaders launched (with photos)
28/08/2023 Transcript of remarks by SDEV at media session
23/08/2023 Transcript of remarks by SDEV at media session (Chinese only)
23/08/2023 SDEV’s speech at Our Hong Kong Foundation Economic Forum on Land Creation and Financing Prospects for Hong Kong’s Future (Chinese only)
12/08/2023 Transcript of remarks by SDEV at media session

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