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Press Releases

Date Subject
08/02/2023 LCQ13: Combating bid-rigging
08/02/2023 LCQ16: Enhancing tendering system for public works projects
08/02/2023 DEVB adopts multi-pronged approach to address manpower needs of construction industry
27/01/2023 Appointments to Construction Industry Council announced
18/01/2023 LCQ5: Development planning for Ex-Lamma Quarry Area
18/01/2023 LCQ17: Redevelopment of urban squatter areas
18/01/2023 Transcript of remarks by DFS, SCED and SDEV after Ante Chamber exchange session (Chinese only)
18/01/2023 LCQ8: Development planning for area around Ting Lai Road near Nam Hang Tsuen, Tai Po
11/01/2023 LCQ9: Lift safety
03/01/2023 Appointments to Advisory Committee on Built Heritage Conservation
01/01/2023 Transcript of remarks by SDEV at media session

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