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Construction Sector Matters

Helping Business Programme
Authorizing Private Developers and Authorized Persons (AP)
to Undertake Drainage, Water Supply Connection Works,
Construction of Run-in and Repair of Damaged Footway
Extension of the Scheme to cover ArchSD and Housing Department Projects

Guidelines on the extent of connection works to be undertaken by HD's or ArchSD's contractors

  • HD/ArchSD's contractors shall undertake the drainage and water supply connection works from the estate/lot boundary up to the water supply main / public drainage systems (including sewerage).
  • For new town development, either TDD or HyD is responsible for constructing public roads to connect to the estate road or lot boundary. The construction of water supply main under these public roads shall be either carried out by WSD, or incorporated into the roadworks contracts executed by TDD or HyD. Similarly, the construction of public drainage systems under these roads is normally incorporated into the roadworks contracts executed by TDD or HyD. Since the roads are connecting up to the estate/lot boundary, the water main and public drainage underneath naturally terminate near the said boundary. In this regard, the extent of water supply main and public drainage systems to be laid by WSD/TDD/HyD on public roads shall be the same as and not less than that before the extension of the Scheme to cover HD/ArchSD's projects.
  • Any upgrading/repair work of the existing water supply main shall be carried out by WSD.
  • Any upgrading/repair work of the existing public drainage systems shall be carried out by DSD.

Guidelines on the extent of run-in/footway works undertaken by HD's or ArchSD's contractors

  • HD/ArchSD's contractors shall undertake the construction of run-in(s) and reconstruction of damaged footways adjoining the HD/ArchSD's development, where the damage is caused by the development or its hoarding.