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Construction Sector Matters

Description of the Scheme

Developers and Authorised Persons may now employ approved contractors to carry out all or any of the following works:

  a) connection to the public drainage / sewage system
  b) provision of water supply connection
  c) construction of run-ins and repair of damaged footpaths.

This Scheme improves developer's control of their development programmes. A trial scheme involving projects on Hong Kong Island in 1998 has proved that the issue of Occupation Permits could be advanced by up to three months.

An unified application form 'HBP1 PDF' (for a and b only) has been promulgated in March 2002 with a view to further streamline the Helping Business Programme procedures. Under the new arrangement, applicants need only to download and complete the new form covering all types of work for submission to the relevant works departments.

Practitioner's Guidelines Revision (March 2017)
Annex 1 - Audit check fee to be charged to Developers by Government departments
Annex 2 PDF - Flowcharts
Annex 3 Word - Notification letter to utility companies (Specimen)
Annex 4 PDF - HBP form 'HBP1'
Annex 5 - WSD form 'WWO542' PDF
Annex 6 - Guidelines for Contractors of Architectural Services Department and Housing Department
Annex 7 PDF - Details of Detectable warning Tape
Annex 8 Word - Phone numbers for Support and Assistance

For enquiry, please refer to Annex 8