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Issues in Focus

Harbourfront Public Furniture Competition

Click here to see the sketches of the winning design of the Harbourfront Public Furnitire Competition.

It is the vision of the Harbourfront Commission (HC) to bring more people to the harbourfront and engage the community on harbourfront development. The harbourfront is not only a leisure park but a place for creative arts. The HC therefore encourages the stakeholders and art groups to participate in the beautification of the harbourfront together in order to enhance its uniqueness and attractiveness, as well as to increase the community’s sense of belonging to the harbourfront.

To this end, the HC together with the Harbour Office of the Development Bureau (DEVB) are launching a “Victoria Harbour” Word Art competition to invite talents to create an iconic “Victoria Harbour” Word Art for placing at the East Coast Park Precinct north of Watson Road.

Members from the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects, Hong Kong Institute of Planners, Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors and Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design (hereinafter referred to as “the Six Professional Institutes) are invited to submit proposals for the design, fabrication, delivery, installation and maintenance of Artwork between 24 July and 4 September 2020.