Harbourfront Public Furniture Competition

Design Theme

  1. Beautify the harbourfront and bring joyful experience to visitors;
  2. Facilitate the promotion of the Victoria Harbour and its harbourfront;
  3. Creative, vibrant and interesting with due consideration to the normal height and comfort for furniture; and
  4. Incorporate “Victoria Harbour” logo

Commissioning Budget

The ceiling of commissioning budget for each unit of furniture is HK$150,000 (all inclusive)


The competition is open to all Hong Kong residents aged 18 or above. They may submit proposals as individual or as members of a team.

Briefing Session

A briefing session was organised for interested persons on 10 August 2020. Presentation can be downloaded here.


Hoi Fai Road Promenade


Pierside Precinct


Water Sports and Recreation Precinct

Reference Materials

  1. Schematic design of promenade at Water Sports and Recreation Precinct
  2. 2. Schematic design of Pierside Precinct

Harbourfront Public Furniture Competition
(Please click the image above to enlarge)

Invitation Brief and its Annexes