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Press Releases

Date Subject
13/04/2011 SDEV speaks on land sale programme
12/04/2011 Speech of SDEV at the opening ceremony of "A Partnership with the People: KAAA and Post-war Agricultural Hong Kong" exhibition (English only)
09/04/2011 Transcript of SDEV's remarks
08/04/2011 Development Bureau commends parties involved in restoration of King Yin Lei (with photos)
30/03/2011 LCQ14: Illegal occupation of public places
30/03/2011 LCQ16: Procurement and use of chemical materials in government works
30/03/2011 LCQ3: Sites with flat size restrictions
23/03/2011 SDEV's speaking notes (planning and lands policy areas) tabled at LegCo Special Finance Committee Meeting
23/03/2011 SDEV's speaking notes (works policy areas) tabled at LegCo Special Finance Committee Meeting
22/03/2011 Speech by Secreatary for Development at the Operation Building Bright Balloting Ceremony (Chinese only)
21/03/2011 Opening remarks by the Secretary for Development at the press conference of Urban Renewal Authority on "Flat-for-flat" (Chinese only)
16/03/2011 LCQ20: Supply of lands for social welfare uses
16/03/2011 Secretary for Development's closing remarks at LegCo's motion debate on Antiquities and Monuments (Declaration of Proposed Monument) (Ho Tung Gardens) Notice (Chinese only)
16/03/2011 LCQ18: Maintenance and repairs of fresh water mains
09/03/2011 LCQ1: Land Sale Programme
09/03/2011 LCQ11: Outline Zoning Plans
09/03/2011 LCQ16: Private housing land supply
07/03/2011 SDEV visits OBB-renovated building in Kwai Chung (with photos)
05/03/2011 SDEV visits Cheonggyecheon River (with photos)
03/03/2011 SDEV visits waterfront developments in Seoul (with photos)

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