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Press Releases

Date Subject
24/10/2012 Secretary for Development's opening remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study" (Chinese only)
18/10/2012 Lai Chi Kok Drainage Tunnel commissioned (with photos)
18/10/2012 SDEV's opening speech at the commissioning ceremony of the Lai Chi Kok Drainage Tunnel (Chinese only)
17/10/2012 LCQ10: Building repair
17/10/2012 LCQ11: Coal conveyor belt structures in power stations
17/10/2012 LCQ16: Vacant land
17/10/2012 LCQ18: "Village Type Development" sites
17/10/2012 LCQ2: Lift and escalator practitioners
16/10/2012 Overseas and local experts share experiences in "Place Making Forum" (with photos)
16/10/2012 SDEV's opening speech at "Place Making Forum - Experience Sharing on Business Improvement Areas" (English only)
13/10/2012 Transcript of SDEV's media session
11/10/2012 DEVB and LandsD saddened by death of man in branch failure
09/10/2012 30th Anniversary Ceremony of Shenzhen River Regulation cum Stage IV Design Achievements Exhibition held today (with photos/video)
04/10/2012 Statement by Secretary for Development
28/09/2012 SDEV speaks on Kai Tak Development and North East New Territories New Development Areas project (Chinese only)
28/09/2012 Speech by SDEV at Conference on Community Planning (English only)
28/09/2012 Speech by SDEV at Construction Industry Council Conference 2012 (English only)
26/09/2012 Reporting Scheme for Unauthorised Building Works in New Territories Exempted Houses extended to December 31
25/09/2012 SDEV's speech at the annual dinner of the New Territories General Chamber of Commerce (Chinese only)
23/09/2012 Transcript of SDEV's media session

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