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Press Releases

Date Subject
01/08/2012 Statement by Secretary for Development
01/08/2012 Tender awarded for site in Tseung Kwan O
30/07/2012 New Secretary for Development appointed (with photo)
30/07/2012 Transcript of SDEV's media session (with video)
18/07/2012 Amendment to levy rate under Construction Industry Council Ordinance (Chapter 587)
18/07/2012 Government to sell two sites by public tender
17/07/2012 LegCo: Speech by Acting SDEV in moving the motion under the Buildings Ordinance (Chinese only)
17/07/2012 LegCo: Speech by Acting SDEV in moving the motion under the Construction Industry Council Ordinance (Chinese only)
16/07/2012 LegCo: Speech by Acting SDEV in moving Committee Stage amendments of Buildings Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2011 (1) (Chinese only)
16/07/2012 LegCo: Speech by Acting SDEV in moving Committee Stage new clauses and heading in the second reading of Buildings Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2011 (2) (Chinese only)
16/07/2012 LegCo: Speech by Acting SDEV on the resumption of second reading of Buildings Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2011 (Chinese only)
16/07/2012 LegCo: Speech by Acting SDEV on the third reading of Buildings Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2011 (Chinese only)
11/07/2012 LCQ10: North East New Territories New Development Areas
11/07/2012 LCQ14: "Government, Institution or Community" sites
11/07/2012 LCQ5: Unauthorised building works
11/07/2012 LCQ9: Environmental greening plans
11/07/2012 Transcript of SDEV's media session (Chinese only)
08/07/2012 Transcript of SDEV and S for S' media session at Tung Chung (Chinese only) (with photos)
06/07/2012 Transcript of SDEV's media session
05/07/2012 Transcript of SDEV's media session

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