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Press Releases

Date Subject
25/05/2017 Opening remarks by DCED at press conference on alleged falsification of concrete test reports (Chinese Only) (with video)
25/05/2017 Opening remarks by SDEV at press conference on alleged falsification of concrete test reports (Chinese Only) (with video)
24/05/2017 LCQ13: Regulatory control of squatter structures on Hong Kong Island
24/05/2017 LCQ17: Lands involved in the committed and planned projects
23/05/2017 SDEV's opening remarks at LegCo's Panel on Development meeting on Ex-gratia allowance arrangement for business undertakings affected by Government's development clearance exercises (Chinese only)
23/05/2017 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese Only)
22/05/2017 SDEV conducts home visits in Kwai Tsing District under "Celebrations for All" project (with photos)
22/05/2017 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese Only)
18/05/2017 SDEV speaks to the media (2) (Chinese only)
18/05/2017 SDEV speaks to the media
17/05/2017 SDEV speaks to the media
17/05/2017 LCQ6: Economic development of Lantau Island and opportunities to be brought about by Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area
17/05/2017 LCQ7: Prioritising the development of undeveloped and underdeveloped land
17/05/2017 LCQ9: Long-term development of the retail industry
17/05/2017 LCQ16: Protecting government documents taken out
17/05/2017 Speech by SDEV at press conference of World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong (Chinese only) (with photo)
16/05/2017 Speech by SDEV at Thought Leader Luncheon for Construction Industry (Chinese only) (with photo)
10/05/2017 LCQ15: Implementation of the "Hong Kong Property for Hong Kong People" measure
10/05/2017 LCQ8: Art studios in industrial buildings
10/05/2017 LCQ10: Management of and tapping for fresh water resources

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