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Boards & Committees

Press Releases

20/02/2019 Government responds to report of Task Force on Land Supply (with photos)
20/02/2019 Opening remarks by SDEV at press conference on Government's response to the report of the Task Force on Land Supply (Chinese only)
31/12/2018 Opening remarks by Task Force on Land Supply Chairman and Vice-chairman on the Report of the Task Force on Land Supply (Chinese only)
31/12/2018 Task Force on Land Supply submits report to Government (with photo)
24/09/2018 Task Force on Land Supply submits preliminary observations to Chief Executive
12/08/2018 Task Force on Land Supply to hold fourth public forum
15/07/2018 Task Force on Land Supply to hold third public forum
24/06/2018 Task Force on Land Supply to hold the second public forum
03/06/2018 Task Force on Land Supply to hold first public forum
23/05/2018 Task Force on Land Supply to hold roving exhibitions and public forums
26/04/2018 Task Force on Land Supply appeals for active participation, openness and inclusiveness
26/04/2018 Opening remarks for press conference on Public Engagement Exercise of Task Force on Land Supply (Chinese only)
06/03/2018 Task Force on Land Supply holds eleventh meeting
13/02/2018 Task Force on Land Supply holds tenth meeting
06/02/2018 Task Force on Land Supply holds ninth meeting
19/12/2017 Task Force on Land Supply holds sixth meeting
05/12/2017 Task Force on Land Supply holds fifth meeting
16/11/2017 Task Force on Land Supply holds fourth meeting
07/11/2017 Task Force on Land Supply holds third meeting
10/10/2017 Task Force on Land Supply holds second meeting
06/09/2017 Task Force on Land Supply holds first meeting
29/08/2017 Appointment to Task Force on Land Supply