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Press Releases

Date Subject
30/04/2008 LCQ13: Energy efficiency enhancement of new buildings
29/04/2008 Secretary for Development visits Central and Western District (with photos)
23/04/2008 LCQ7: Assessment of monuments and historic buildings
23/04/2008 LCQ2: Replacement and rehabilitation of water mains
22/04/2008 Secretary for Development's opening speech at Legislative Council Development Panel meeting (Chinese only)
19/04/2008 Photo competition captures beauty of historic buildings (with photos)
19/04/2008 Secretary for Development speaks on Application List (Chinese only)
18/04/2008 Speech by Secretary for Development in the Third Conference of Planning Institutes of Pan Pearl River Delta Region (Chinese only)
11/04/2008 Secretary for Development speaks on Stage 2 Public Engagement for the Urban Design Study for the New Central Harbourfront
11/04/2008 Secretary for Development's opening remarks at Legislative Council Home Affairs Panel meeting
11/04/2008 Stage 2 Public Engagement for the Urban Design Study for the New Central Harbourfront launched (with photos)
09/04/2008 LC: Secretary for Development's concluding speech in motion debate to repeal Antiquities and Monuments (Withdrawal of Declaration of Proposed Monument) (128 Pok Fu Lam Road) Notice
09/04/2008 LC: Speech by Secretary for Development in the motion debate to repeal the Antiquities and Monuments (Withdrawal of Declaration of Proposed Monument) (No.128 Pok Fu Lam Road) Notice
09/04/2008 LCQ11: Residential projects with green features
09/04/2008 LCQ2: Complaints about defective meters
07/04/2008 LC: Speech by Secretary for Development at the Legislative Council Special Finance Committee Meeting (Works)
07/04/2008 LC: Speech by Secretary for Development tabled at the Legislative Council Special Finance Committee Meeting (Planning and Lands)
01/04/2008 Secretary for Development speaks on public facilities in private developments (Chinese only)
12/03/2008 LCQ17: Historical buildings
12/03/2008 LCQ11: Register of Old and Valuable Trees

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