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Press Releases

Date Subject
31/07/2009 Updated lists of public facilities in private developments released
22/07/2009 Speech by the Secretary for Development at the ground breaking ceremony of the Construction Industry Council Training Academy's Tin Shui Wai Training Centre (Chinese only)
21/07/2009 Government, Maryknoll reach consensus to explore tree preservation options
16/07/2009 Management of tree at Maryknoll Convent School
16/07/2009 Secretary for Development speaks on proposals to facilitate redevelopment by the private sector: application threshold under the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Chinese only)
09/07/2009 Secretary for Development's speech at Legislative Council's adjournment debate on "review of the tree management policy and the report on the review" (Chinese only)
29/06/2009 Chief Secretary for Administration on Report of Task Force on Tree Management (2) (Chinese Only)
29/06/2009 Chief Secretary for Administration on Report of Task Force on Tree Management
29/06/2009 Task Force on Tree Management releases report
29/06/2009 Appointments to Land and Development Advisory Committee announced
24/06/2009 LCQ15: Unlawful occupation of government land
24/06/2009 LCQ8: Earthquake risks and its impact on buildings
23/06/2009 Secretary for Development speaks on proposals to facilitate redevelopment by the private sector (Chinese only)
22/06/2009 Hong Kong strives for sustainable management of water resources (with photos)
19/06/2009 Secretary for Development to attend ministers' forum on infrastructure in Singapore
19/06/2009 Priority set for "Operation Building Bright" Category 1 buildings
19/06/2009 Roving exhibition celebrates CEDD's 5th anniversary (with photo)
10/06/2009 LCQ20: Greening Master Plans
10/06/2009 LCQ5: Inspection and caring of trees
10/06/2009 Secretary for Development speaks on Operation Building Bright

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