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Press Releases

Date Subject
03/09/2011 Opening of Hung Hom Promenade and Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade Extension (with photos)
03/09/2011 SDEV speaks on harbourfront development (Chinese only)
01/09/2011 Results of International Design Ideas Competition for Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai BCP Passenger Terminal Building announced (with photos)
01/09/2011 SDEV speaks on Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point
01/09/2011 Speech by SDEV on International Design Ideas Competition for Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point Passenger Terminal Building (Chinese only)
26/08/2011 Opening remarks by SDEV at meeting of LegCo Subcommittee on Building Safety and Related Issues (Chinese only)
15/08/2011 Appointments to Board of Urban Renewal Fund Limited
11/08/2011 SDEV speaks on land supply (Chinese only)
22/07/2011 SDEV visits Nice and Cannes (with photos)
21/07/2011 SDEV studies urban regeneration and heritage projects in Paris (with photos)
19/07/2011 SDEV visits heritage conservation and green building projects in Paris (with photos)
16/07/2011 Opening remarks by SDEV on heritage conservation initiatives at meeting of LegCo Panel on Development (Chinese only)
15/07/2011 SDEV to visit France
15/07/2011 Secretary for Development's closing remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Perfecting harbourfront planning and management in all districts of Hong Kong" (Chinese only)
15/07/2011 Secretary for Development's opening remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Perfecting harbourfront planning and management in all districts of Hong Kong" (Chinese only)
13/07/2011 LC Urgent Q1: Escalator incidents
13/07/2011 LCQ13: Asbestos material removal works
13/07/2011 LCQ15: Temporary work depots
13/07/2011 LCQ3: Centralised poultry slaughtering centre
13/07/2011 LCQ4: Fire safety problem of sub-divided units

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