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Press Releases

Date Subject
28/11/2012 LCQ14: Enforcement policy against unauthorised building works
28/11/2012 SDEV speaks on unauthorised building works at Houses 4 and 5 at No. 4 Peel Rise (Chinese only)
27/11/2012 SDEV to visit Beijing
21/11/2012 LCQ6: Reclamation outside Victoria Harbour
21/11/2012 LCQ7: Unauthorised building works at Site 7 of Whampoa Garden
17/11/2012 Speech by SDEV at the opening ceremony of "2012 Construction Industry Mega Fun Day cum World Skills Hong Kong Competition" (Chinese only)
17/11/2012 Transcript of SDEV's media session
16/11/2012 Government appoints URA Board non-executive directors
16/11/2012 Statement on land grant for Union Hospital
14/11/2012 LCQ11: Unauthorised developments
14/11/2012 LCQ12: Roadside cargo compartments
14/11/2012 LCQ13: Safety of window panes in residential flats
14/11/2012 LCQ15: Unauthorised outdoor canvases
14/11/2012 Secretary for Development's closing remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Vote of no confidence in the Secretary for Development and the Secretary for Education" (Chinese only)
14/11/2012 Secretary for Development's opening remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Vote of no confidence in the Secretary for Development and the Secretary for Education" (Chinese only)
11/11/2012 Transcript of SDEV's media session (Chinese only)
09/11/2012 Opening remarks by SDEV at Joint Meeting of LegCo Panel on Development and Panel on Housing (Chinese only)
09/11/2012 Speech by SDEV at MIPIM Asia Luncheon (English only) (with photo)
08/11/2012 Secretary for Development's closing remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Perfecting housing policy and resolving public housing need" (Chinese only)
07/11/2012 CE officiates at opening ceremony of MIPIM Asia 2012 (with photos/video)

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