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Press Releases

Date Subject
08/11/2017 LCQ12: Information on residential sites
01/11/2017 LCQ3: Resumption of land in the New Territories for housing development
01/11/2017 LCQ8: Restrictions on extension of squatters and erection of agricultural structures for agricultural uses
01/11/2017 LCQ14: Building Safety
01/11/2017 LCQ19: Monitoring of minor works carried out in private residential buildings
31/10/2017 Speech by SDEV at opening ceremony of 2017 World Cities Day Forum (Chinese only) (with photo)
30/10/2017 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only)
27/10/2017 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only)
25/10/2017 LCQ13: Statistics and allocation of the rehousing flats of Urban Renewal Authority
25/10/2017 SDEV visits Kwun Tong District (with photos)
20/10/2017 SDEV speaks to the media
18/10/2017 LCQ11: Rezoning "Village Type Development" sites for residential development
18/10/2017 LCQ17: Safety of glass doors
13/10/2017 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only)
12/10/2017 Opening remarks by SDEV at press conference on Development Bureau initiatives in Chief Executive's 2017 Policy Address (Chinese only) (with video)
29/09/2017 SDEV speaks to media on quarterly land sale programme for October to December 2017
29/09/2017 Government announces quarterly land sale programme for October to December 2017
29/09/2017 Opening remarks by SDEV on land sale programme for October to December 2017
26/09/2017 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only)
26/09/2017 Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme commends exemplary construction safety performance (with photos)

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