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Press Releases

Date Subject
06/03/2018 Task Force on Land Supply holds eleventh meeting
01/03/2018 Opening remarks by SDEV at press conference on 2018-19 Land Sale Programme (Chinese only)
01/03/2018 Government announces 2018-19 Land Sale Programme
28/02/2018 LCQ20: Land requirement and supply
28/02/2018 LCQ18: Temporary government land allocations and short-term tenancies
28/02/2018 LCQ16: Arrangements for compulsory resumption of property titles for redevelopment projects
28/02/2018 LCQ5: Applications for water supply made by restaurants
08/02/2018 LC: Speech by SDEV in moving Waterworks (Amendment) Bill 2017 (Chinese only)
08/02/2018 LC: Speech by SDEV on Second Reading of Waterworks (Amendment) Bill 2017 (Chinese only)
08/02/2018 LC: Speech by SDEV on Third Reading of Waterworks (Amendment) Bill 2017 (Chinese only)
07/02/2018 LCQ4: Loss of water due to water mains leakage
07/02/2018 LCQ9: Sealing up the gaps between paving blocks around the trees on pavements
06/02/2018 Task Force on Land Supply holds ninth meeting
02/02/2018 First meeting of Drinking Water Safety Advisory Committee (with photos)
01/02/2018 Appointments to Lantau Development Advisory Committee announced
31/01/2018 LCQ8: Follow-up actions on the alleged misconduct of a Senior Land Executive of Lands Department
31/01/2018 LCQ17: Major infrastructure projects experiencing cost overruns
25/01/2018 Secretary for Development's closing remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Rezoning a land lot near the site of the Public Housing Development Plan at Wang Chau." (Chinese only)
25/01/2018 Secretary for Development's opening remarks at LegCo's motion debate on "Rezoning a land lot near the site of the Public Housing Development Plan at Wang Chau." (Chinese only)
24/01/2018 LCQ4: Handling of unauthorised building works

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