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Press Releases

Date Subject
15/05/2018 SDEV visits Southern District (with photos)
10/05/2018 Proposed enhancements to ex-gratia compensation and rehousing arrangements for Government's clearance exercises announced (with photo)
10/05/2018 Opening remarks by SDEV at press conference on proposed enhancements to ex-gratia compensation and rehousing arrangements for govt development clearance exercises (with video)
09/05/2018 LCQ2: Vetting and approval of plans submitted in respect of building works of modular housing/container housing
03/05/2018 SDEV visits Eastern District (with photos)
02/05/2018 LCQ13: Sites on loan to MTR Corporation Limited for use as temporary supporting works areas
02/05/2018 LCQ17: Fulfillment of land lease covenants by developers
02/05/2018 LCQ4: Barrier-free facilities in commercial premises
27/04/2018 SDEV speaks to the media (Chinese only)
24/04/2018 SDEV speaks to media (Chinese only)
19/04/2018 SDEV's opening remarks on planning and lands policy areas at LegCo Finance Committee special meeting
19/04/2018 SDEV's opening remarks on works policy areas at LegCo Finance Committee special meeting
11/04/2018 LCQ3: Harbourfront enhancement
10/04/2018 SDEV continues visit to Beijing (with photos)
10/04/2018 SDEV speaks to the media in Beijing (Chinese only)
09/04/2018 Acting SDEV and DEMS speak to the media (Chinese only)
09/04/2018 SDEV begins visit to Beijing (with photos)
07/04/2018 SDEV to visit Beijing
28/03/2018 LCQ4: Compensations and rehousing for residents affected by North East New Territories NDAs Planning
20/03/2018 Lands Department follows up on the telephone exchanges in breach of uses specified in land lease

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