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Press Releases

Date Subject
27/12/2007 Secretary for Development speaks on Lee Tung Street Me Gregor Street project (Chinese only)
20/12/2007 Secretary for Development speaks on revitalisation of Wan Chai district (Chinese only)
14/12/2007 Secretary for Development visits Sha Tin District (with photos)
12/12/2007 LCQ17: Dongjiang River Basin Water Resources Allocation Scheme
12/12/2007 LCQ7: Improvements to urban planning, land administration and approval procedures for building construction
12/12/2007 LCQ6: Unauthorised building works
10/12/2007 Government works with construction industry to implement 10 major infrastructures
10/12/2007 Secretary for Development speaks on Central Police Station Compound project (Chinese only)
10/12/2007 Speech by Secretary for Development at the 2007 graduation ceremony of Construction Industry Training Authority (Chinese only)
05/12/2007 LCQ11: Team for lease modification and land exchange applications
05/12/2007 LCQ8: Land Registry's Integrated Registration Information System
05/12/2007 LC: Speech by Secretary for Development at the Second reading of Buildings (Amendment) Bill 2007 (Chinese only)
28/11/2007 LCQ18: Illegal piling of waste on agricultural land in New Territories
26/11/2007 Secretary for Development visits Kwai Tsing District (with photos)
07/11/2007 LCQ19: Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme
07/11/2007 Secretary for Development visits Beijing
31/10/2007 LCQ11: Water mains bursts
29/10/2007 Secretary for Development speaks on revitalisation of Central Police Station Compound (Chinese only)
26/10/2007 LC: Secretary for Development's speech on Motion of Thanks for the Policy Address (Chinese only)
25/10/2007 LC: Secretary for Development's speech on Motion of Thanks for the Policy Address (Chinese only)

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