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Press Releases

Date Subject
31/12/2009 Exhibition introduces Conserving Central projects (with photos)
16/12/2009 LCQ18: Wah Kai Industrial Centre
16/12/2009 LCQ13: Green buildings
15/12/2009 King Yin Lei surrendered to Government for adaptive re-use
15/12/2009 Secretary for Development visits OBB building (with photos)
14/12/2009 Secretary for Development's remarks at LegCo Development Panel and Environmental Affairs Panel joint meeting (Chinese only)
11/12/2009 Registration of minor works contractors to begin December 30
10/12/2009 Free guided walking tours for public to explore West Kowloon
09/12/2009 Secretary for Development's closing remarks at LegCo's motion on "Reviewing afresh the use of land at the Kowloon waterfront" (Chinese only)
09/12/2009 Secretary for Development's opening speech at LegCo's motion on "Reviewing afresh the use of land at the Kowloon waterfront" (Chinese only)
04/12/2009 Resumption of land for urban renewal projects in Ma Tau Kok and To Kwa Wan gazetted
02/12/2009 LC: Speech by SDEV in moving resolution under Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance
02/12/2009 LCQ20: TPB's powers and functions
02/12/2009 LCQ19: Water seepage in residential premises
25/11/2009 LCQ2: Development of waterfront sites
23/11/2009 Hong Kong-Shenzhen Joint Task Force on Boundary District Development holds fourth meeting (with photos)
21/11/2009 Exhibition to showcase Hong Kong's heritage conservation achievements (with photos)
18/11/2009 LCQ5: Labour Relations Officers of public works contracts
18/11/2009 Secretary for Development's speech on two sites in Tai Po being triggered (Chinese only)
17/11/2009 Secretary for Development's opening remarks at Harbour-front Enhancement Committee meeting (Chinese only)

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