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Press Releases

Date Subject
29/12/2023 Appointments to Drinking Water Safety Advisory Committee
27/12/2023 New agreement on Dongjiang water supply continues to adopt "package deal deductible sum" approach (with photos)
21/12/2023 SDEV concludes visit to Shanghai (with photos)
20/12/2023 SDEV and delegation continue visit in Shanghai (with photos)
19/12/2023 SDEV leads delegation to begin visit to Shanghai (with photos)
19/12/2023 Government introduces Bill into Legislative Council for updating and streamlining compulsory sale regime and enhanced measures to support affected minority owners
18/12/2023 SDEV to lead delegation to visit Shanghai
13/12/2023 LC: Speech by SDEV on Second Reading of Extension of Government Leases Bill (Chinese only)
12/12/2023 "Under the Same Roof: Origin and Art of Lingnan Traditional Architecture" exhibition opens (with photos)
12/12/2023 Speech by SDEV at opening ceremony of "Under the Same Roof: Origin and Art of Lingnan Traditional Architecture" exhibition (Chinese only)
09/12/2023 Transcript of remarks by SDEV at media session (Chinese only)
06/12/2023 LCQ1: Developing the Northern Metropolis
24/11/2023 LC: SDEV's speech on Motion of Thanks in respect of CE's 2023 Policy Address (Debate Session 3) (Chinese only)
22/11/2023 LCQ21: Urban renewal
21/11/2023 Speech by SDEV at Guangdong-HK-Macao Greater Bay Area Waterworks Technology Exchange Session in Macau (Chinese only)
19/11/2023 Transcript of remarks by SDEV at media session
15/11/2023 LCQ6: Rebuilding of village houses
15/11/2023 LCQ1: Labour Importation Scheme for the Construction Sector
15/11/2023 LCQ17: Enhancing building safety
15/11/2023 LCQ15: Structural safety of old buildings

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